For as long as humans have been telling each other stories, they’ve been telling stories about magick. Some of the older stories, when translated correctly, are remarkably close to true. Unfortunately, many of our modern tales of magick are not nearly as true.
The big popular, collective lie about magick is that it is instant.
Imagine the TV show witches who blink or twitch or wiggle and…POOF… instant magic and uproarious, spontaneous laughter from the audience. Imagine the Harry Potter heroes casting spells and hexes at lightning speed. Fairy godmothers turn coaches into pumpkins at precisely midnight, noses grow the second you tell a lie, brooms will carry water forever if you don’t know the words to stop them. Fairytale magic goes from a need to its fulfillment in no time at all.
Real magick isn’t instant. It doesn’t come with special effects or a laugh track. It’s flimsy at first and you won’t really trust that it’s working.
Without the immediate feedback that we’ve been conditioned to expect, our faith falters and we remember the voices telling us “magick isn’t real” and “you’re not a storybook character”. We lose sight of the magick as it moves from concept to belief to vibration to force to creation because real magick isn’t a trick or a fairytale, it’s a process that brings us everything we’ve ever experienced in life – the good and the bad. When we understand the process and how to guide it, we can benefit from the incredible -real – art of magick.