
The ancient tales run like nectar from your tongue
I drink you in
Your elixir of joys and sorrows
Places unseen and lovers unmet
I can taste it all upon your breath
I drink you in

Our hearts sing to me of a place where I belong
Of stolen moments and lingering kisses
Of shared laughter and tears that need neither be hidden nor forced
I am embraced and enfolded
as I embrace and enfold you
You drink me in

Your fingers caress my skin, leaving a trail of bliss upon my soul
I explore the body you share with me
Teasing out the secrets of your desires
Your obvious pleasures and your empyrean needs
I serve myself through my devotion to you and worship in the face of your power
And my own

The gifts of our magic, our power, our wild abandon await

Our heat, our passion, our ability to transform us both

We need merely obey